The PTA normally meets at
7:30 P.M. on the first or second Tuesday of the month in the Fox Mill E.
S. library. The September, October, and November, 2000
meetings will be on the second Tuesday of the month at 7:30 p.m in the school Library.
The Fox Mill PTA is an active, vital part of
Fox Mill Elementary School.
We take great pride in boasting the outstanding membership of 118% in our
local unit and have achieved membership above the 100% mark for the past
four years. The Fox Mill PTA Board is comprised of 5 officers, 27 committee
chairs, our principals, and teacher representatives. Our monthly meetings
occur on the 1st Tuesday and are well attended. Participating in PTA is the
best way for parents to become truly "involved" in their child's education.
Some of the programs funded by the PTA include:
Classroom Technology
Subsidized Field Trips
Grounds Improvements
Family Social Events |
Reflections Program
Science Club
Odyssey of the Mind
Monthly Student Assemblies
Subsidized Staff Training
RIF Books
Parent Education Opportunities
Safety Patrol Support
And Much More...
Our income is derived primarily from memberships and fund raisers
including a fall gift wrap sale, December "holiday shops," and our annual
Family Fun Night and Silent Auction which will be in March.
Fox Mill parents provide their most valuable resource, their TIME, in
many ways throughout the school year. Volunteerism is high at Fox Mill
and accounts for thousands of recorded hours. Opportunities to volunteer
abound for those with only an occasional hour to spare or for those who
wish to spend more time at school.
The Fox Mill PTA continually strives to put "Children First!" in all we
do at our school and to that end we work hard to provide excellent
enrichment opportunities for every Fox Mill student throughout the year. |